Report email

Use this form to report a campaign, usingMessage ID (which you can find in the Full Header of the received email).

The Message ID contains information that enables our system to remove you instantly from the sender's list an the sender doesn't know about your complaint.

The email address is also used to investigate the sender's abuse.

How we deal with issues?

We assign to every email campaign sent from our servers a Message ID, so every recipient can easily report abuse to SendMachine. When we get complaints through our form, we investigate instantly. If we suspect the user account or campaign for a reason, we suspend the account during the investigation.

Our company is registered with important ISPs and anti-spam authorities to get feedback loop alerts when user's recipients report abuse. When we are able to analyze those alerts, we remove the recipient email from the user's list. If the reports exceed a certain limit, we warn the user. If the warnings exceed an acceptable limit, we suspend the user's account and investigate.

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